It is a curious time in this artist’s life, as I step back to view the masterpiece that surrounds me. Just this last month my oldest daughter Amanda’s work was featured in the Springville art museum and another piece at BYU. To say that I am a proud father is an understatement. I stand in awe at all of my children’s accomplishments. Summer’s science project recently went to the state finals, and she made the cheer leading squad for next year when she enters high school. Suzy was elected to the student counsel this year and serves as class president. Roxy, being the genius that she is switched to being home schooled by Wendy because we wasn’t being challenged enough in 1st grade, so she is now doing third grade work. And David is just a kick in the pants when it comes to physical strength and athletics at the age of one.
Looking at this soulscape one would think that I drove my children to excel with a whip. But nothing could be further from the truth--these are their own accomplishments, there own motivations, and autodidactic skills. Long ago I learned how beauty was created in letting colors run free on the canvas. I called this painting technique organic flow. I allowed subtle forces like gravity and wind to spread paint on the canvas. I would coax and cajole, but not force. Interestingly, the philosophy behind this technique carried over and superimposed itself onto my life, along with a new appreciation of what I called soul art. Indeed, I became enamored by the living medium of the human heart, the aesthetics of love, and the hand of Providence. Howbeit, I am still in awe of the talent that surrounds me. I can’t believe these amazing children are mine.
As if in celebration of their accomplishments, we recently had the privilege of participating in the color festival at the Sri Sri Radha Krishna temple in Spanish Fork--a living metaphor wherein massive crowds of people throw colors on each other to welcome spring and celebrate the beauty of infinite diversity, as well as all of creation’s underlying unity. (see youtube link: )
We had blast! But I also think that the experience left a deeper impression on our subconscious. There remains the lingering imprint of sheer joy, bathing in color, spreading it around, and appreciating its random beauty with childlike awe. Herein one is led to consider the spontaneous splendor of life unfolding, the mystery of self, and the works of the Master.
Soul Art
The canvas of a heart
Potential undefined
An infant’s spotless innocence
A surface primed with light
The spirit comes to distill
On the blank slate of a mind
Where conscience engaged
Holds unfettered promise
It’s not a paint by numbers
An abstract, nor still life
Its beauty is authentic
Our love not artifice
Though society coerces us
To color in the lines
A masterpiece above all must be honest
Across the frame of time
Is stretched the soulscape of a life
A transcendent self-portrait
Of interior design
Composed of will
Self is revealed
In that a Divine spark
A living, breathing medium
As our life becomes art